2X Servers

- Tier 1 Blueprints unlocked by default
- No Blueprint Wipes
- 2X Rates (Gather, Smelting & Recycling Speed, Crafting)
- Improved Loottables & Stacksizes
- Free SkinBox, Kits and more Playtime benefits for regular players
- Extended Workbench Range
- Short Nights/Longer Days
- FPS+ Maps with Banditcamp & Outpost merged
- Additional Recyclers & Marketplaces
- Minicopters & Cars spawning on map
- Advanced Rust+ Alarm

Please visit our Discord for any queries, wipe schedule and ticket support.

/dope | kit & info menu
/clanhelp | clans plugin info
/share | sharing & auth settings
/feed | show/hide kill feed

/skin, /sb, /skinbox | open the skinbox
/skintiem, /si | skin a deployed item
/skincraft, /sc | set your default skinsets
/skinset, /sset | select default skinset
/skincon, /sc | skin content of a container
/skininv, /sinv | skin your inventory
/skinauto, /auto | activate auto skinning

/time | time settings
/regular | playtime ranks
/sorthelp | box sorting tool (vip/playtime)
/discord | discord auth command
/rank | shows your ranking
/top | shows top5 players
/topteam | shows top5 teams

5X Servers

- Tier 1 Blueprints unlocked by default
- 5X Rates (Gather, Smelting & Recycling Speed), Instant Crafting
- Improved Loottables & Stacksizes
- Free SkinBox, Kits and more Playtime benefits for regular players
- Extended Workbench Range
- Bgrade, Upgrading
- Item Shop with Reward System
- Bow Spawnkit
- Scrap exchange
- Short Nights/Longer Days
- FPS+ Maps with Banditcamp & Outpost merged
- Additional Recyclers & Marketplaces
- Minicopters & Cars spawning on map
- Advanced Rust+ Alarm
- Turret Limit: 40 in 12 building square radius

Please visit our Discord for any queries, wipe schedule and ticket support.

/dope | kit & info menu
/share | sharing & auth settings
/feed | show/hide kill feed

/clanhelp | clans plugin info
/tpr [player] | request teleport to [player]
/tpa | accept teleport request
/atp | clan auto teleport
/trade [player] | request trade to [player]
/trade a | accept trade request
/clanhelp | clans plugin info

/skin, /sb, /skinbox | open the skinbox
/skintiem, /si | skin a deployed item
/skincraft, /sc | set your default skinsets
/skinset, /sset | select default skinset
/skincon, /sc | skin content of a container
/skininv, /sinv | skin your inventory
/skinauto, /auto | activate auto skinning

/home add [name] | set a home spot for teleports
/home [name] | teleport to home spot
/home list | list your homes
/op | outpost teleport
/remove | remover tool
/bgrade 0-4 | auto building [0-twig, 1-wood, 2-stone, 3-metal, 4-hq]
/code | auto door settings

/time | time settings
/regular | playtime ranks
/sorthelp | box sorting tool (vip/playtime)
/discord | discord auth command
/rank | shows your ranking
/top | shows top5 players
/topteam | shows top5 teams
/gamble | scrap gamble